Hurray! A Raise and More Respect for Teachers

As I’ve been thinking more on this notion of arming teachers, I realized I may have been looking at it from the wrong perspective. This could be a boon for teachers everywhere for the following reasons: 1) It now becomes a negotiating point. Don’t take just a one-time bonus, this should be an annual stipend.… Continue reading Hurray! A Raise and More Respect for Teachers

To Release or Not to Release, that is the question

The current Regime has decided not to release the Democratic Rebuttal Memo. Color me surprised. This was the inevitable conclusion everyone should have predicted. Personally, I didn’t feel the Nunes Memo should have been released after seeing our national security departments felt it would be a “grave” mistake. After reading the Memo, I’m not sure… Continue reading To Release or Not to Release, that is the question